Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Father's of Note
The term "deat-beat-dad" is thrown around a lot in today's culture. Some of these "men" refuse to support their children finantially. Others don't support their children by any other means other than money. Some of these men don't realize that their kids are their responsibility, so they spend ten times more time playing XBox 360 than they do playing with their kids. Anyway, I digress...
Last Sunday was Father's Day. This was a significant day for me since my wife and I are expecting our first child to be born around September 10. I was forced to think about the kind of dad I want to be for all of my future kids. So naturally, I thought about some fathers that I have observed over the 30 years of my life.
First off, my own dad. I have always said that if I become half the man that he is, I will be happy. He has been a perfect example of how to provide for a family. There is no one I know with a better work ethic. He taught me how to sacrifice for those I love. He taught me to seek the Lord 100%. As a boy, I thought my dad could fix anything...come to think of it...I still do. Thanks dad. You're the best.
Secondly, my Father-In-Law. I have observed in him over the last 7-8 years many things that I would do well to apply to my life. I have learned more about business, money and taking risks that I ever thought was out there. I have seen this father take out my mother-in-law on a weekly basis. I have learned how to get a killer tan. I also have overcome my fear of talking on my cell phone while in the bathroom. Thanks dad Mellon.
Another dad who I look up to is Dr. Tim. He has taught his sons how to be men. They know he loves them because of the hours and hours he has spent with them teaching how to hunt and fish. Thanks.
Many of my friends and in-laws (Chris, Scott, Mike, Jesse, Brett, Ronny, Trent and many others) already have children of different ages. Thank you for the examples you have unknowingly been to me as you raise your children.
Anyway, I thought some good dads deserved some credit.


Leish said...

You're an awesome dad already!

Chris-Mellon said...

nice article Matt. I think you're going to make a great dad.